


1. 雷萨重机BJ5449THB-XD(L10-61米)泵车的一大优点是它的工作半径长达61米。这意味着泵车可以在较远的距离内进行混凝土泵送,达到更广泛的施工范围。2. 该泵车配备了高性能的泵送系统,能够实现高效、稳定的混凝土泵送。它具有稳定的排量和压力,可以满足不同工程项目的要求。3. 该泵车采用了雷萨自主研发的液压系统,并配备了先进的电子控制技术。这使得泵车具有更高的工作效率和精准度。操作简单方便,易于控制。4. BJ5449THB-XD(L10-61米)泵车采用了创新的折叠式臂架设计。这种设计使得泵车具有更小的占地面积,在狭小施工场地内也能轻松操作。5. 该泵车还配备了安全保护系统,包括过载保护、高温保护、泵送管道堵塞自动反转等功能。这些保护措施可以确保泵车的安全运行,避免事故发生。6. 泵车的外观设计时尚美观,车身采用了防腐蚀材料,提高了泵车的使用寿命和耐用性。综上所述,雷萨重机BJ5449THB-XD(L10-61米)泵车具有工作半径长、泵送系统稳定、操作简便、安全可靠等优点,适用于各种建筑工程项目。

1. One of the major advantages of the LESA Heavy Machinery BJ5449THB-XD (L10-61m) pump truck is that it has a working radius of up to 61 meters. This means that the pump truck can pump concrete over a longer distance, reaching a wider construction range.2. The pump truck is equipped with a high-performance pumping system that enables efficient and stable concrete pumping. It has stable displacement and pressure, which can meet the requirements of different projects. 3. The pump truck adopts hydraulic system independently developed by Raisa and is equipped with advanced electronic control technology. This makes the pump truck have higher working efficiency and precision. The operation is simple and convenient, and easy to control.4. The BJ5449THB-XD(L10-61m) pump truck adopts an innovative folding boom design. This design makes the pump truck have a smaller footprint and can be easily operated in narrow construction sites.5. The pump truck is also equipped with a safety protection system, including overload protection, high temperature protection, and automatic reversal of pumping pipe blockage. These protection measures can ensure the safe operation of the pump truck and avoid accidents.6. The exterior design of the pump truck is fashionable and beautiful, and the body is made of anti-corrosion materials, which improves the service life and durability of the pump truck. To sum up, LESA Heavy Machinery BJ5449THB-XD(L10-61m) pump truck has the advantages of long working radius, stable pumping system, easy operation, safety and reliability, etc. It is suitable for various construction projects.

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